Monday, January 21, 2013


It all started with a Spark. Literally. An Advocare Spark energy drink! :-)   After hearing about Advocare for months now and hearing seeing the success stories of weight loss, I was ready to give it a try. A tried a sample of Spark and liked it. I didn't love it, but it started to grow on me and now I really like it!  I went through the process of talking to an Advocare distributor and getting the right products and viola- 24 Day Challenge Ordered!  We decided to begin on Sunday, January 20. So, on Saturday, I ventured to the grocery store. I made lists upon lists of foods we were to eat and I made a dinner meal plan for the first 10 days from recipes I found from various souces on the web. I spent 1 1/2 hours in the grocery store- probably 1/2 an hour alone in just the produce section! (and I forgot how eating much healthier can also be much more expensive, but its worth it, right?).  I have heard from many nutrionist that when grocery shopping, 80% of your food should come from the perimeter of the store, and this time, it did!  I was quite impressed with myself. Some of the foods are completely new to me, some are not. Like hummus. I've only tied hummus once. I wasn't impressed, but willing to give it a 2nd chance. And natural peanut butter. I bought some of this at Farmers Market last summer, so I was prepared for the consistency to be different and taste to be pretty much like someone took a plain, unsalted peanut and pulvorized it to death. ALL IN ALL and $300 later - our cabinets and frig are stocked and ready to begin (and please note- I have a 9 year old and 6 year old who are NOT doing the challenge, hence the "other" food & drink products you may see in the pictures).

Cast of Characters:
Cabinet stocked with Almonds,  All Natural Peanut Butter and Almond Butter, Quinoa, Brown rice and Stevia sweetner, should I need it.
Counter top stocked with bananas, my favorite little cherry tomatoes, large tomatoes and Harvest Wheat Healthy Grain Flatbread.

Kitchen table fruit bowl.

Frig stocked to the brim with ALL kinds of fruits & vegies, grilled chicken strips, bottled water, hummus, salsa (if needed) and condiments (not shown).
After grocery shopping, I made a spread sheet (more for my husband's sake) which outlined days 1-10 and what supplement take or eat at each meal or snack time or on empty stomachs. I also made a list of the 10-day cleanse "acceptable and nonacceptable" foods and posted that on the frig, too. I got all the Advocare products out and in order and we were ready!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You are so organized! Would you be willing to share your spreadsheet and acceptable/non food list? :)
