Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 11- At a Crossroads

This is going to be long. Sorry.

OK - here's the deal. When I started this blog, it was more for my benefit then anybody else's. I wanted a diary of sorts, so I could remember and refer back to what I ate, drank, how I felt, etc. I will be 100% honest in what I write regardless of who may or may not like it. I had REALLY REALLY hoped that this blog would be full of nothing but positive experiences. I really wanted to enjoy and like the 24-Day Challenge. But here's the thing...I don't.

My body isn't liking something. I am trying to figure out what it is. But ever since I started, I've really been out of sorts, emotionally. I am VERY grumpy, irritable and have a very stressed out feeling. And it takes A LOT to stress me out. Yes, we've had a busy schedule lately, but its nothing to stress about. We just do it. It all gets done. No big deal. And before anybody suggests it - no, it is not PMS. Not for 11 days.

I have dieted before. I have done Weight Watchers successfully 3 times (losing at least 20 lbs each time I did it). I never felt this way on that "diet."  So, I have no clue what is going on with me.

I don't know if its the sugar "detox" and its withdrawal symptoms from that? I don't know if its the multitude of supplements I'm putting in my body that is making me feel weird because my body isn't dealing well with it all. I don't know. I don't want to blame Advocare if that isn't the problem, you know? I hate not knowing how to fix something. And here's the deal. I'm NOT a quitter. I HATE stopping something in the middle. I DON'T want to quit the 24-day challenge...but I can't take this anymore.  Yesterday while sitting in my children's school pick-up line and attempting to take care of writing some emails while I waited, I started to feel fuzzy. Then I couldn't read the words on my screen on my phone. Then my vision got "blotchy".  And....I still had to DRIVE home. That was a little scary. It lasted about 2 hours and went away to be replaced by a headache, but WHAT THE?!?!  I started a whole entire regiment of new supplements yesterday...did they cause that? Or was it something entirely different?   I did a lot of "research" yesterday afternoon and found no mention of any kind of vision problems associated with Advocare...but some dizziness. So maybe it was dizziness? I don't know.   (edited later to add- I have now realized what I was experienceing this day was a migraine)

So, here's the deal. I am giving it ONE MORE DAY. If the same crazy dizziness/vision issue happens today, I will know what it was - probably some sort of chemical reaction to the new supplements and I will stop taking them (or at least whatever the NEW ones are - the ones I took the first 10 days were fine). If it doesn't happen again, I will consider it a fluke and continue on. 

And I made another decision. I am going to change my eating plan a little. This whole caveman diet - fruits, berries, leaves, nuts, eggs and fish is killing me. (and yes,I know, I can eat more than that, but it certainly feels like it). I am going to do the eating plan I would do while on Weight Watchers...adding in eveything I want to (including sugar), but doing so in moderation, watching portion sizes and keeping sweets at a bare minimum. I LIKE that "diet" better. Maybe if I pair the 24-Day Challenge supplements with that "diet" plan, I will FEEL better. I can't possibly feel worse. I know it won't be a 100% testament to how the 24-Day Challenge EXACTLY works, but somethings gotta give. I cannot continue this way.

And EXERCISE is my enemy right now. I just don't like to do it, as I've mentioned before. Time is not on my side. And exercise has ALWAYS been the key to my weight loss before and as I get older, even more so. I am just going to have to accept that if I am not going to work out 5-6 days a week, the weight isn't going to melt off, like it does when I DO work out regularly. Its going to be a SLOW process this time. Working and managing the home + 2 kids with 2 busy schedules kills mom's workout time. Some will call that an excuse. Ok. whatever. Its how I feel. I am fitting in the Can You 24 workouts when I can. Some is better than none, right?  I can't wait for it to get nice outside so I can walk again...maybe jog a little. I don't mind that too much as long as I'm outside.

So, now that I've completely unloaded all my feelings - this is how my Day 11 went:
30 minutes before b'fast- 1st supplement pack
B'fast of oatmeal and another supplement pack
Snack - 1 hard boiled egg and a banana
30 minutes before lunch - I was SUPPOSED to take another supplement pack. I forgot.
Lunch - leftover fish and vegies from night before and the last supplement pack.
Snack - almonds and maybe some fruit- I  can't remember.
Dinner was tuna salad, whole grain crackers and other things...I can't remember. My whole day was fuzzy.
And I honestly wasn't hungry again (until I laid down to go to sleep at 11:00!). No evening snack.

I spent the evening going to the grocery, prepping fruits and veggies for the week, and I made hubby some B'fast burritos with turkey sausage, eggs, peppers, onions, cheese and whole wheat tortiallas and popped those in the freezer for his b'fasts. Hope they turn out ok! :-) He said they looked wonderful.

And on a side note- Hubby says he feels great! He's lost about 7lbs. I'm happy for him.

And I've noticed another thing this last week and a half. I run my dishwasher EVERY day, which is about 2x as much as I used to. Prepping all these FRESH foods and mixing up salads, etc, sure makes a LOT of dirty dishes! I tend to go through all 4-5 good knives and all three cutting boards EACH DAY! :-)  Invest in a lot of dishwashing detergent before starting this plan! :-) Hehehehe!!

So today is the morning of Day 12. I'm down a total of 3 1/2 lbs. I did take my supplements this morning. And I did have a cup of actually ended up being more like a 1/2 cup of coffee, though.  B'fast was oatmeal and a small bowl of berries. So far, so good. I didn't drink a Spark this morning. I can tell the difference, though. While I'm AWAKE, my head feels a tad cloudy. I do like the Spark! And I do like my coffee- I may have to rotate them.  And I'm not really sure what to do with my Meal Replacement Shakes. Bfast? Lunch? As a snack? I have yet to try one. I just wonder how a shake can be better than a meal full of yummy fruits or vegies and other healthy things?

Today is decision day for me. I HOPE, for so many reasons, that yesterday's weirdness was a fluke. I HATE, HATE stopping something in the middle. I WANT to like this program and I WANT it to work and I WANT to finish it. I also want to feel good and happy again. So, I'm at a crossroads. What to do...what to do???

I will update tomorrow morning.


  1. Ok. Having read your post, I understand. First I should tell you that I'm not a fan of ANY supplements except protein and then, only if REAL food protein isn't available (convenience.) The main reason is because: what's going to happen when you quit taking them? Your body is designed to work without all that extra "stuff" you're taking. I want to be supportive of your efforts but I think you might have more success if you were on more of a true paleo diet without the supplements. You mentioned eating oatmeal and whole grain tortillas - unfortunately, those aren't "paleo." A truely paleo diet has no grains (use coconut/nut flour instead) and very little if any dairy but we do eat sugar - just natural sugar (maple syrup, honey, agave, bananas, dates, coconut palm sugar) these are easier for your body to process in moderation. I make cupcakes and muffins and brownies, etc but do so with coconut or almond flour.You're right about the prep time and clean up! That was the biggest adjustment for me!! Try making these waffles as a change for breakfast and try these muffins as a snack or treat. I have recipes for just about anything you can imagine that you'd like to make "paleo." If you want to change the way your body handles food, change the food your body has to handle. Chip swears that giving up grains and most dairy did that for him.
    The waffles are great in a Belgium waffle iron or thin it with a little canned coconut milk or unsweetened plain almond milk:
    4 eggs
    1/4C coconut milk or unsweetened plain almond milk
    1/8C + 2 tsp. coconut flour
    1/8C + 2 tsp. tapioca/arrowroot flour
    1/4 tsp baking soda
    1 Tbsp cinnamon
    1/4 nutmeg
    2 Tbsp PURE(read the label!)Maple syrup
    (I often add 1 very ripe banana for a little extra sweet. You can also add chopped pecans or blueberries to taste.)

    Let me know if you want the muffin or any other recipes, and I'll send them to you in a private message - Good luck whatever you decide but remember to listen to your body. Love, Lynn

  2. My husband had to go off. Dizzy and double vision

  3. Could you tell me how many WW Points+ the AdvoCare Spark is? I can't find this info anywhere and the nutrition chart doesn't match up with the ww calandar

  4. Emily - its been 2 1/2 years since I wrote this. I have absolutely no clue how many points a Spark is. I'm sorry. Good luck in finding out, thought!

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